Today is National Children's Picture Book Day! I just love a good picture book and there are so very many good ones out there. I came across this list of Top 100 Children's Books of all Time.
I really enjoyed a walk down memory lane as I scrolled through the list. Some, like Tikki Tikki Tembo and Are You My Mother, bring back powerful childhood memories. I can still see my mother taking a huge long-drawn-out breath each time she said, "Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo has fallen into the well!" And in our household, a crane was forever (yes, my mom and brothers still even now) referred to as a "snort".
Other books are cherished titles that I read with my own boys. I adore I Love You Forever, and Brown Bear Brown Bear. The first I can never get through without getting choked up, and the second reminds me of those preschool/pre-reading days when the boys would memorize the text and think they were reading.
I also can't walk past a marvelous retold fairy tale. A couple of my favorites in that category would be The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
A more recent find that made the top 100 list is a book I recently sent to my niece in Tennessee for her birthday. It's called Press Here, and it's just an awesome little book. It starts with a single yellow dot, and the simple instruction to press
it. From there you are sent on a magical journey that shows you things are not always what you think...
Yep, I just can't help myself. Children's picture books just make me giddy! Check out the list and take your own trip down memory lane. I'd love to have you share some of your favorites and the memories that go along with them!
Still in one peace,
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