Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Here are a couple of items I wanted to pass along.
First of all, I know some people love to shop on the day after Thanksgiving. Personally, there are a lot of things I would rather do than face a crowd of mad consumers. I may be persuaded to pick up a couple of things we really need, but I don't really want to get sucked into buying stuff just because it's on sale. Maybe I could look at the experience as an adventure in spreading cheer to grumpy shoppers. That could be fun :-) If you're more into staying home and shopping online, I got an email from www.currclick.com about their Black Friday giveaway. They will have some of their downloadable home school materials free on Friday only. So, I am planning on checking it out and thought some of you might want to as well.
Secondly, I thought I'd share a video clip from an organization called, Advent Conspiracy. My niece shared this with me and I thought some of you might appreciate it. They are all about spending less at Christmas, but giving more and worshiping more.
So, in light of that, I am going to be spending some of my time with your children in December doing some crafts that they could give to others as gifts. We will be wrapping up our fairy tale unit by writing some fractured fairy tales and may read a couple of Christmasey tales like The Elves and the Shoemaker, or The Little Match Girl. The rest of our time we will be making things! If you have any cute ideas or craft supplies to donate, let me know. When we resume in January we will be studying medieval times!
For Brown Bag, I will be reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson the first two Thursdays in December. I would like to take the last Brown Bag day (December 17) to do something like visit the nursing home or hospital caroling with the kids. If you have any other service oriented ideas, please pass them along!
Enjoy your families this weekend!
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