Shelli B. came in and donated many items to the library, especially in the areas of science and social studies. Laura O. has also donated some items both to the curriculum library and for give away.
I also have an area in the room where moms have brought in used items they would like to sell. Shelly S. brought in Saxon 87 math and has a bargain price of $20 on it. I still have many items from Galynn H. on the shelves.
Sue C. from Audubon, came in yesterday and brought many items that she would like to sell. They are in the room and have prices on them. She also has most of the Sonlight curriculum grades 1-9 or so, and some A Beka curriculum she would like to sell. If you are interested in any of her curriculum, send me an e-mail or give me a call and I will tell you how to get in touch with her.
It's a great time to be thinking about next year's curriculum. And with the economy the way it is, buying used and borrowing items are a great way to save money. Let me know, if there is enough interest, maybe we could have a "Swap Day". Another idea would be for moms to list items they would be willing to trade or sell and leaving those lists with me. We could also put out a "wish list" if there are specific things you are looking for. Remember that E-Bay is another good resource for home school items. If you have any other thrifty ideas, feel free to share them with me!
Speaking of being thrifty, on Thursday April 23, the local Evangelical Free Church will be hosting a live simulcast with Dave Ramsey. Dave is the host and author of Financial Peace University as well as a popular radio talk show host. He will be speaking with regards to living in our current economic situation and then answering people's questions. The event is free. It begins at 7:00pm with doors opening at 6:30. My husband and I took the Financial Peace class a year ago and I would highly recommend Dave's wisdom!
Happy Easter!

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