For Super Sleuths this Thursday we are going to have some fun with I Spy pictures and riddles. We are going to create some collages in the style of the popular I Spy books and then write riddles to go along with them. If you have any small stickers, or old magazines we could cut pictures out of, send them with the students.
To whet your appetite, I have a link to the I Spy web page. Try some of the interactive games, or activities on that page. I found all of the items in The Library, but it took me a little while.
Another related activity is to make an I Spy bottle. Recycle a plastic water bottle or soda bottle. Take off the label and fill it with a combination of sand and tiny objects to look for. You can use small toys, paper clips, anything really little. Replace the lid and shake it up. Make a list of object, or write an I Spy riddle to go with your bottle. Have some fun challenging your friends to find all of the objects in the bottle!
See you Thursday at 11:00.
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