Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kids' Collection

 Good morning!

I can't believe how fast this school year is flying by.  I need to start putting together the annual Kids’ Collection (a collection of student writing and artwork from this past year)  As in years past, I have collected some writing that the children have done for me, but I am sure they have done much more with you!  If you have anything that you would like to submit, please send it to me either as a hard copy, or in electronic form as a Word document or PDF file no later than April 23.  I would really like to get the books together and distributed to all of you before I get swamped in graduation!  Our middle son, Rob, graduates this year (where does the time go??)
And if I don’t get it done during the week of April 23, I fear it won’t get done till after graduation.

So, to recap; poetry, stories, artwork, reports or anything else you think would be interesting to share.  To me by April 23 at the latest.  Earlier would be better.

Thanks so much!


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