Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Student Interviews

As promised, I have interviewed several home school students. Here is what they had to say!

Linda: Hannah, you just moved here from another state. How does ITBS compare to other standardized tests you have taken?

Hannah: Well, in the other test we only had a separate answer sheet for science. The reading and language and spelling were all part of one test.

Linda: What are you reading today?

The Battle of the Labyrinth, by Rick Riordan, for the 5th time!

Linda: Alexis, you have been taking this test for quite a few years, what advice would you give to the younger students?

Alexis: Don't get nervous, or you won't be able to sleep. Relax. Bring suduko puzzles to keep your mind busy when you are done with a test.

Linda: Do you have a favorite subject?

Alexis: Yes, math.

L: What are you reading this week?

Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It's ok, but hard to read. Definitely don't try reading it right before you go to bed! It has a lot of difficult words.

L: Caleb, what do you enjoy the most and the least about ITBS week?

Caleb: Best is spelling and worst is punctuation. (Seems many children don't like punctuation, at least in our group!)

L: What are you reading?

The Happy Hollisters

L: Mitchell, which test do you think is the hardest?

Mitchell: Spelling

L: What will you do this afternoon?

Mitchell: Go home and take a nap.

L: Are you reading a good book?

The Rise of the Wyrm Lord by Wayne Thomas Betson. It is part of a series and I think the author was inspired by C. S. Lewis. (Mitchell is using a dollar bill as a bookmark this week!)

Here are some other books that students are reading this week:
  • Nick; The Gentleman Outlaw and Me
  • Josiah; Left Behind (kids series)
  • Christian; listening to the audio book, In Freedom's Cause, by G. A. Henty
  • Tiffany; Encyclopeia Brown, by Donald J. Sobol
  • Heather; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C. S. Lewis

1 comment:

Rangga Wi said...

Hii,nice blog...
U'r blog remind me about my childrenhood days,went i still in kindergarden...