Hey Moms!
This blog post is for all of you out there who like to use apps to make life a little easier. I have found a couple that look like they could really be useful, but in the interest of full disclosure I have to tell you that I have never used either of the apps that I'm going to share with you today. They simply appeal to my desire to streamline things in life that are important. . .like chores, allowances, making lesson plans and keep grades. . .but sometimes get put on the back burner.
iAllowance is an app that will allow you to manage each of your children's finances and teach him/her about saving and spending money. You can pay the allowance in actual money or you may pay with the reward of your choice and the app keeps track of how close each of them are to reaching their goals. You create the chores and the rewards and you can also choose to let your children manage their own accounts or you can use parental control so that you are entering the information.
You can create reports of any of your children's banks and rewards and e-mail them to yourself to be printed. If you use a dropbox.com account you can have all of your info saved on the cloud! This app costs $3.99.
Homeschool Helper is an app to help you with managing an unlimited number of students, personalize your subjects and grading scales for each student, track lessons and grades for each subject and much more. You can also create book lists, field trips, manage lessons (bump/copy/mass delete), track attendance, calculate grades, manage task lists, reports and more.
This looks like a pretty amazing app for a homeschooling mom. You can watch a short 3 minute video of some of it's uses here. This app costs $4.99.
I'd love to hear about some ways that you use technology to streamline or enhance your homeschooling. Please tell me about some apps or websites that you use.
Happy Homeschooling!