It's going to be a hot week outside. Are you the type that will just hibernate with a fan and the air conditioning cranked up, or will you take the opportunity to play in the sprinkler and blow some end of the summer bubbles? No matter which you prefer, I am pretty sure some ice cold lemonade or raspberry tea is in order!
This is also a great time of year to look for the back to school bargains that we all enjoy. I found a couple of websites that list many discounts available to homeschool families and teachers. One great place is The Frugal Girls. Their website is great. Who doesn't get hooked in with a motto like, "Living Well with Less $$$"? Another list is found at The Home School Mom. I also found The Complete List of 77 Teacher Discounts at Gift Card Granny.
Many of these businesses ask for some type of identification to prove you home school your kiddos. So, I have created a business card size membership card for the Atlantic Home School Assistance Program. Stop by the room sometime and pick yours up! You can keep it in your wallet and then, presto! You have your proof when you need it.
Another great way to find discounts is to sign up for the weekly newsletter from CurrClick (Curriculum and Classes in a Click!) If you follow the link, there is a place to sign up for their weekly newsletter. It comes to your email and is always full of freebies and discounted home school resources. You can scan it quickly to see if anything catches your eye and might be useful and delete it just as quickly if you don't see anything you can use.
A goal of mine this year is to use Pinterest as a place to collect ideas for you. I currently have 13 boards on Pinterest that deal with education. And here's the thing. If there is something you would like to know more about and I don't have it there, just let me know. I can create a board just for you. For instance, you may notice that I have a board called All About Turtles. A homeschool mom told me her daughter wants to learn all she can about turtles, so I made a board to help her out. Now she has several online resources all in one place that are easy to find.
If you can think of other ways that I can help you be a better teacher, please let me know. That's what I love to do :-)
Try not to melt this week,